Currently, B2Bs are using more e-books and guides, as well as in-person or digital events such as webinars to secure leads. Newsletters, blog posts, and case studies are then leveraged to nurture and convert those leads. Using such types of content can help prospects sign on the dotted lines, and most marketers need to justify their budgets to their business leaders. This includes real earnings and not just microconversions. 5. Video content When we talk about content, video has been on the rise in recent years, with more companies adopting the format than ever before. We have to thank traditional social media platforms like Youtube and Facebook because of which users have become accustomed to videos dominating their feeds.
But why is video good for business? First, using videos, you can provide your customers with in-depth demos of your products and services. Companies Real Estate Photo Editing can create tutorials for their products and even promote upcoming launches in a more attractive way. 6. When your sales and marketing teams work in silos, it could hamper your business growth. Aligning your sales and marketing teams has been proven to drive higher revenue, retain more customers, and achieve higher success rates as you move the prospect through a sales funnel. and streamlined marketing.